If you have a sloped or hilly lot then a Low Pressure Dosing Septic System is likely your best choice of all your septic tank options. Your property must have electricity and of all the choices for a nonstandard (see sloped or hilly) drain field a Low Pressure Dosing Septic System is the most economical. Low Pressure Dosing Septic Tank Repair is not rocket science, however you should consider the experience level of anyone you hire for Low Pressure Dosing Septic System Repair.
Clogging due to changes in the slope of the drain field are specific to low-pressure dosing septic systems. Only 1 foot of soil is required from the bottom of the trench to the top of the disturbed soil, so you can imagine that erosion from a heavy rain after extremely dry weather is definitely a factor to consider in a sloped drain field. This level must be maintained.
If you are interested in low-pressure dosing septic system installation or low-pressure dosing septic tank repair, call Big Bexar Septic. This type of septic tank may be not only the most economical choice but the best choice, if your property is extremely hilly as many of us who live in the “Hill Country” will have this issue.